“Personal Visions…..» presents us with the intimate perception of the British Artist, Annabel Overbury. She has been living in Estepona for the last ten years and this exhibition of her paintings is an almost complete retrospective as it includes work covering all her different stages, styles and techniques. Personalized landscapes predominate using her unique style and we could almost use the term annabel-esque to describe these landscapes for the extensive range of moods and states of mind which she reduces to their purest essence. Sometimes they are mere suggestions as in «Signs of Joy», others are more ethereal as in «The Summit», which could provide the perfect illustration for Yasunari Kawabata´s mountain; onirical evocations as in «The Path», romantic impressions as in «Bougainvilla» and » Autumn Colours», and presenting discrete expressionism in the works of «The Spectacle» and in » A Storm out to Sea».
The element of water is materialized in her paintings through multiple forms of expression: whispers of Andalucia in » Water Music «; balance and peacefulness in «Reflections,» «Fast Flowing» and «Crystalline Serenity,» rumours of living experiences in the seascapes » The Pink Beach,» «Jabberwok «, and » Priceless Moment», or imagined, as in the painting «Remote Island», or the passionate frenzy of an agitated sea in » A Storm out to Sea » and «The Spectacle».
On a more personal note, we have the intimately meditative “Whispers,» and the elegance and exquisite beauty found in the flowers:” Secrets of a Rose”, «Amaryllis» or in the Lilies.
Without doubt, the main feature is colour, which overrides all other pictorical elements. Colour is sometimes softened in the use of elongated, languid brush strokes where figurative landscapes emerge in abundant turneresque light , achieving lyrical scenes ablaze with exquisiteness. Other times the colour is conceptualized, dense in material producing evocative abstract paintings in bands of colour reminiscent of Rothko, or overflowing in texture as in “The Open Sea», or colour is even fragmented into a myriad of mosaic shapes. Through the constant dialogue and juxtaposition of complimentary colours, tonal gradations and heterogeneous condensations of light, Annabel gives us in this exhibition her personal visions charged with emotion, serenity and peace.
See the opening of Personal Visions
See the catalogue «Personal visions»